you’re in the right place

Have you been trying to figure out how to articulate an existential angst that has no rhyme or reason? It won't go away, but seems to be growing in intensity and building momentum instead. 
You may have the sense that this inner unease is your calling you home to a more free and fulfilling place. It feels scary and impossible, but it's also what you've been longing for. Correct me if I'm wrong.
It really is possible for you to transform the state of existential burden and dark night of the Soul - into the spirit of adventure, feeling the joy of being alive, and coming home to existential love. Even if it seems like that's too far, difficult or impossible. Even if a part of you is disagreeing with me right now.

this is the right time

I can say this for sure because I was sitting in the same boat of disbelief not that long ago, and I now know what's actually true from my own experience. I've been on a quest and spent a lot of time, energy and resources to understand how this works for everyone, not just me. 
The first step to transform anything is to acknowledge it, and that takes courage. Your being here today is a radical act of love for yourself, in service of wholeness.

Welcome, I’m Monika, Transformational Life Coach.

A blissful, struggle-free existence is our birthright. Beyond the conditioning of fear, a life of peace, creative intelligence and sublime flow awaits you. The joy that is released from owning your depth is a powerful force for your own healing. It ripples out into an abundant and fulfilling life. It benefits others as well as you. 
I've lived the reality of looking into the mirror and feeling lost, barely able to recognise myself in the reflection. I went from having the 'perfect' life and still feeling empty, dead and meaningless inside, to coming radically alive in my authentic skin. I can support you to embrace the adventure that's calling you too, and take small but significant steps into who you are becoming.

here are a couple of free resources that could be your next steps to further exploration here:


Imagine a world where we are living our wild, radical aliveness. We wake up each day with a spring in our step, love in our hearts, and connected deeply to joyful purpose.

The energy of this world lights me from inside up and warms the cockles my heart. I'm claiming this expansive and fulfilling possibility for us, and daring to live it into reality. We have the power to vision another life for ourselves and create it with our energy. No more rushing towards meaningless ideas and false images of success. No more sacrificing wellbeing or just going through the motions in a life devoid of Soul. 
Soul shaped is the authentic You, owning your inner truth, and answering the call of your true nature. Your life not defined by the fear of how others will react if you break expectations. YOU, courageously venturing into unknown territory to follow your heart.